Dear MMM partricipants and Consultants!
Many of you have already noticed that during the last few days the Get
Help orders would come very slow. Why did this happen? There are a few
main reasons for that.
First, during the Holy month of Ramadan
there were no conferences held by our Leaders. We understand that this
time is dedicated to your prayers and after that people spend time with
their families. However this reflected on our system. The growth of new
participants was very slow during July. This is logical outcome for
minimum development efforts during July but not something that any of us
would like to happen to our system.
Second, the IT department
had to switch off our cabinets for some days for the technical
maintenance. This is also something which has to be done from time to
time. However it also affected the system not in the positive way.
Last main reason was the pollution of fake accounts which was
successfully cleaned by our CRO department. It also required some time.
By the way, the system is clean from all these fakers which is a geed
So, all the above factors influenced our system. The result
was that participants started to loose trust in each other and the
system. Some participants even cancelled their Provide Help orders.
what can be done to overcome these difficult times for our system in
If you compare our system with the running bicycle you
will understand that it is running fast and well only when we keep it
running. If we stop it the bicycle will fall down. So if we all want our
system to keep on running and keep on Giving Help to everyone we better
try to speed it up again.
Right now for technical reasons the IT department will do the following:
They will automatically cancel all active Get Help orders. It will
be only left active for those participants who did not receive anything
from the system. If their Provide Help completed orders was bigger then
what they already received from the system (or did not receive anything
yet). We want these participants to return their money. They should be
the first in the queue for GH.
- Also we reduce the weekly limit of Get Help from 2000$ to 1000$ until the times when system is back to its feed again.
- The referral bonus will be reduced from 10% to 5%.
- Consultant's bonuses will change a bit. Now it will be: 5%, 1%,
0.25% and 0.1% for the unlimited downline level for New Money.
- Consultant's Get Help will be paused for 1 week in order to stabilise the system.
- Also the Consultants are strongly suggested to show everyone that
they really care about the system. How to show it? Our TOP LEADERS found
a great way for it! All Consultants starting from 100 Consultants and
higher should Provide Help once a month for 5.000.000 IDR. All Foremen
should do the same but for 1.000.000 IDR. If they want to do it for
bigger amounts that is also fine but up to everyone's decision. You can
post the screen from your cabinets with this PH orders to your direct
Consultants and also post it in the Facebook, chats etc. So that
everyone can see that some real actions are taken by our Consultants.
This will also prevent the multiple accounts holders to create even more
multiple accounts which are like fakers make our system less strong.
MMM Indonesia is the strongest team in the world today! It is the best
example to all the Asian countries. Lets concentrate our efforts on the
positive things that we can all do for our system!
Many times the system has helped many of you. Now the system needs a bit of help but from everyone. Lets do it!
TOGETHER WE CAN DO A LOT!!! Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Long Live MMM!!!
Terjemahan Bebas:
Update Terbaru 12 Agustus 2014 Dari CRO MMM
Untuk Semua Member Mayoritas dari anda mengalami Get Help dengan status
yang masih "Is in qeueu for dispatcher" Ada beberapa faktor tentang hal
ini diantaranya :
- Selama bulan ramadhan aktifitas MMM, tidak
seperti bulan-bulan normal, yaitu lebih slow, karena para leader dan
mayoritas member fokus dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa, tidak ada Mega
Conference tidak ada Gathering dan pengembangan sistem MMM selain itu
terjadi GH dengan kuantitas besar menjelang Hari Raya Idul Fitri, hal
ini sedikit banyak mempengaruhi sistem !
- Terjadi maintenance,
perbaikan serta upgrade server MMM selama kurang lebih 2 minggu, yang
sedit banyak mempengaruhi kestabilan PH dan GH dalam sebuah sistem
- Adanya akun abal-abal dalam sistem yang secara massive yang secara tidak langsung menghambat sikus PH dan GH member
Ketiga hal diatas adalah faktor utama, Sehingga sedikit menurunkan rasa
percaya diri member MMM untuk melakukan PH dan cenderung diam,
melakukan GH dan wait & See, Untuk itu, Dilakukan langkah terbaik WIN WIN SOLUTION >>> YANG SAMA SEKALI TIDAK MERUGIKAN MEMBER
★ Untuk member yang sudah BEP atau get help sama atau lebih dari
total provide help nya, maka semua GH nya akan dicancel, Sistem akan
lebih mengutamakan bagi mereka yang belum GH atau belum mendapatkan
apa-apa dari MMM
- ★ GH maksimal perminggu saat ini diturunkan
dari $2000 menjadi $1000 perminggu, itu artinya = $4000 perbulan / 40
juta perbulan, Masih sangat besar dan patut kita syukuri tidak mungkin
habis, walau tinggal di ibukota sekalipun.
- ★ Bonus refferal
diturunkan dari 10% menjadi 5% , untuk setiap pendaftaran member baru
yang bergabung di MMM, bukan sebuah masalah, karena bahkan di rusia pun
juga demikian, karena member sudah berkembang 35 juta member, jadi tidak
membutuhkan biaya besar lagi untuk promosi karena mayoritas sudah
- ★ Bonus manager terbaru 5%,1%, 0.25%, 0.1% Untuk unlimited level untuk Provide Help uang baru
- ★ GH manager akan dipause dalam 1 minggu
- ★ Mulai saat ini manager 10 wajib PH 1 juta/perbulan sedangkan manager 100 keatas wajib PH 5juta/perbulan
Hal ini hanya sementara dalam proses recovery, Semua akan kembali seperti semula setelah OK
Perlu diketahui, INDONESIA adalah struktur TERBAIK di dunia saat ini, dan menjadi BAROMETER percontohan MMM di dunia, Saya BANGGA jadi ORANG INDONESIA,
Sebarkan Kepada semua team !
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